Fresh Spirulina is a tiny water balloon-like cell structure made up of a phospholipid noncellulose membrane. When they enter the stomach they rupture and release the blue phycocyanin package of nutrition.
Raw Living Spirulina is a simple molecule, so our body doesn’t have to break it down into smaller molecules. This pure liquid nutrition has no problem diffusing through the epithelial layer that forms the cell membrane of humans’ digestive tissue. This cell membrane consists of small channels or pores through which liquid water-soluble substances can enter, meaning that it is directly absorbed in the upper digestive system within 5-10 minutes, assuming there is no cellulose fiber to be broken down mixed in with the slurry of stomach contents.
So, for a maximum bioavailability of the nutrients, it is best to consume on an empty stomach and wait 15 minutes to allow the body a good head start at absorbing these living liquid nutrients before having to deal with any fiber (solid food) which slows down absorption.
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