The reason why life exists on this blue and green planet is synergistically connected to everything healthy. It’s not a magic pill, it’s not sold in a plastic container, nor found in your local vitamin shop. It’s not in your kitchen cupboard or drawer, and it doesn’t cost anything. Imagine that, the most valuable source of health is free. Just go outside and lookup? There it is, that magnificent glow coming from the sky, that energy source that gives life to the earth with its spectacular illuminating rays of light, this my friend is the true Foundation of Life.
Today, we have entered dark days for supplements. Study after study now confirms that these formulated synthetic pills, potions, and powders, are not only useless to the human body they are toxic and dangerous. (Supplements Exposed by Dr. Brain Clement)
The excerpt below from January 2019 Apple top news story.
“Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor of a similar magnitude as smoking, in terms of life expectancy.
If there was one supplement that seemed sure to survive the rigorous tests, it was vitamin D. People with low levels of vitamin D in their blood have significantly higher rates of virtually every disease and disorder you can think of: cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, heart attack, stroke, depression, cognitive impairment, autoimmune conditions, and more. The vitamin is required for calcium absorption and is thus essential for bone health, but as evidence mounted that lower levels of vitamin D were associated with so many diseases, health experts began suspecting that it was involved in many other biological processes as well.
And they believed that most of us weren’t getting enough of it. This made sense. Vitamin D is a hormone manufactured by the skin with the help of sunlight. It’s difficult to obtain sufficient quantities through diet. When our ancestors lived outdoors in tropical regions and ran around half-naked, this wasn’t a problem. We produced all the vitamin D we needed from the sun.
But today most of us have indoor jobs, and when we do go outside, we’ve been taught to protect ourselves from dangerous UV rays, which can cause skin cancer. Sunscreen also blocks our skin from making vitamin D, but that’s OK, says the American Academy of Dermatology, which takes a zero-tolerance stance on sun exposure: “You need to protect your skin from the sun every day, even when it’s cloudy,” it advises on its website. Better to slather on sunblock, we’ve all been told, and compensate with vitamin D pills.
Yet vitamin D supplementation has failed spectacularly in clinical trials. Five years ago, researchers were already warning that it showed zero benefits, and the evidence has only grown stronger. In November, one of the largest and most rigorous trials of the vitamin ever conducted—in which 25,871 participants received high doses for five years—found no impact on cancer, heart disease, or stroke.
How did we get it so wrong? How could people with low vitamin D levels clearly suffer higher rates of so many diseases and yet not be helped by supplementation?
As it turns out, a rogue band of researchers has had an explanation all along. And if they’re right, it means that once again we have been epically misled.
These rebels argue that what made the people with high vitamin D levels so healthy was not the vitamin itself. That was just a marker. Their vitamin D levels were high because they were getting plenty of exposure to the thing that was really responsible for their good health—that big orange ball shining down from above.
The essential nutrients our bodies require must also come from living whole plant foods that flourish in the sun. Only living energy will give living energy.
It is true that all life on this planet comes from the sun. Without it, we all die quickly so every drop we consume and absorb should be as close to the direct result of the sun rays as possible. No middleman, no second-hand substance, and certainly no gloomy synthetic manufacturer in the back alley.
Multivitamins can’t replace fruits and vegetables, and vitamin D supplements are clearly no substitute for natural sunlight.
This all being said, the two most important things we can do for our health are to get outside and soak up that free sunshine of health and consume an abundance of raw living fruits and vegetables. However, literally, today’s produce is nowhere near what it used to be. So, if all that abundance isn’t quite yet possible for you, at this time, to meet the minimum cellular requirements or if you need a supercharge boost to help fight a health challenge, we have the perfect solution. The original form of life with the right amount of blue and right amount of green, one that far exceeds basic nutrition as we know it today, one which is a beautiful synergistic combination of sun-life and plant-life. Energy and vitality.
Raw Living Spirulina is pure sunshine in a jar!
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